Sunday, December 11, 2011

Putting "Everything" In It's Place

Just a few short days ago, I looked at the calendar and realized that the very next day was going to be the first day of December! Where did the month of November go?

Immediately, I began to experience a familiar and unwelcomed panicky feeling and I stopped to ask myself, "What if I don't get 'everything' done before the holiday is here?!"

For a moment, I was seized by an overwhelming urge to resort to my old self; the self whose only way of coping was to cut and run. Avoidance coping to the max!

Calling on newly-learned breathing techniques, I closed my eyes and took a big, deep breath. Slowly (and calmly, I might add) I went through my list of "everything."

After pulling my focus back to the moment - I was able to sort out that "everything" was really a whole lot of "nothing."  Christmas is coming regardless. I'm slowly learning that if I relinquish control to the universe, it will eventually come out just fine. I don't have to control anything and everything will be put in it's proper place at the proper time.

You see, there is absolutely no reason in the world to fret over "anything" that isn't happening in the immediate moment.

This year, won't you join me in the conscious decision to worry less about "presents" and focus solely on "presence?" It truly is a gift.

Peace and joy be yours this season!

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