Sunday, August 24, 2014

Garden therapy

I think it's fair to say that a lot of us look back on our lives and think about those things we wish we would have done differently. We all reflect on the things, experiences or people we wish we would have taken the time to appreciate. Although I try not to ruminate about the past in this way, I will admit that there is one regret I have that I am attempting to learn from in my present.

I wish I would have appreciated my Grandpa's green thumb while he was alive. Grandpa Ted could grow anything from even the tiniest seed.

I took for granted those lush grapevines, overflowing with healthy clusters of fruit. Because of my grandpa's incredible dedication to that backyard garden in 1970's Poplar Bluff, Missouri, there were so many vegetables, my grandmother spent hours/days carefully canning and pickling only to proudly put them on the table and have my siblings and me vehemently refuse to take part. Ah...youth!

What I wouldn't give for one more bite of those Bread and Butter pickles!

After my Grandpa's passing in 2002, my mom and I found an old video that my sister had taken of my Grandpa Ted in the early to mid-90's.  He was talking about the beautiful fruit trees he had grown in his backyard in Florida, most of which he had grown from seed. I'm grateful to my sister for capturing him doing what he absolutely loved and was so great at.

Last year, I made a promise to myself (and to Grandpa Ted) that I was going to honor his memory by creating a beautiful garden in my new-to-me home, and although it is physically hard work, it's by far the most therapeutic activity I've ever attempted - yet another reason to "wish-I-knew-then."

The result from last year's planting is pictured above; Blue Salvia and a thriving Plum tree that started as a twig in 2013.
 This year, I added a small pear tree, and you can see in this picture that the Heather I planted last year is now bursting up and out in this small space.

Things are blooming well so far, so I'm pretty sure I'm getting a little green thumb assistance from the after life!

Thanks, Grandpa!

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